15 Minute Stir-Fry

This month’s recipe is not super mind-blowing or wildly creative, but is super helpful and needed in a world where we are all spread so thin.  

Spring sports will be hitting full swing soon and that means less time for dinner prep. I am sure you have had the moment where you are home from work, kids’ activities, or running errands and you have forgotten entirely to plan a healthy meal for yourself or your family.   

When those fire drill moments hit and everyone is super hungry, we tend to not make the best choices for our health or our wallet.  We all have had to scramble to either pick food up from somewhere that does not always meet our health goals or we scurry to find something in our pantry that resembles a planned meal.   Because we are always super busy and life happens, I always have an “OH NO” meal in my freezer in case of emergencies.    

My go-to when we are in a rush is stir-fry.  I can pick and choose veggies for picky eaters, and I can make cauliflower rice for me to save on carbs if I need to.  

Most stores also carry frozen chopped garlic and ginger so I can add to the pan and make it really flavorful and fast.  You can use shrimp, chicken, tofu. Steak, or omit the protein entirely.  

Stir fry is like the Swiss army knives of dishes as you can tailor anyway to deal with the finickiest of eaters.    All the ingredients can be on hand in your freezer or pantry for the next time you have your “OH NO” dinner moment and ready in close to 15 minutes.


  • Frozen stir-fry veggie
  • Frozen protein of choice
  • Frozen cube of ginger
  • Frozen cube of garlic
  • Coconut oil or ghee

Directions: Combine in skillet and cook until protein and vegetables are cooked through.